The Best Section of the PCT? Part 3: Northern California

  1. PCT Post-Trail Thoughts: Pacific Crest Trail 2017
  2. The Best Section of the PCT? Part 1: Southern California (The Desert)
  3. The Best Section of the PCT? Part 2: Mid California (The Sierra Nevada Mountains)
  4. The Best Section of the PCT? Part 3: Northern California
  5. The Best Section of the PCT? Part 4: Oregon
  6. The Best Section of the PCT? Part 5: Washington
  7. Patagonia & PCT Gear List 2017

What is the Best Section of the PCT?

Part 3: Northern California

Miles 1195 to 1689

CA Sections L to R, Sierra City to California/Oregon state border


Sierra City: 10/07/17 – 03/08/17 : California/Oregon state border

Northern California is often spoken about as being the least favourite section of the trail. This was not the experience I had.

This was the first section since the Sierras that I consistently had a trail to hike on with no snow. It mixed up the hiking nicely after the 400 miles (644 km) or so of snow hiking in the Sierras! I was suddenly also doing bigger mileage per day and not requiring as many town stops.

Sun for days! Always great weather!

After having a week break off trail with Rex (my old trail buddy), I returned to the trail with fresh legs. Most rest stops were on-trail, and the only hitch required was to get to the town of Dunsmuir. A great stretch of continuous hiking! I hiked on and off with Bee Bop and Stats, before briefly reuniting with Rex a few days after Dunsmuir for the last section, and later synced up with Bubbles too.

Bubbles and Rex on our little detour to Sky High Lakes (Marble Mountain Wilderness)

Favourite Section

Castle Crags Wilderness? Trinity Alps Wilderness? Marble Mountain Wilderness? How about that whole stretch!

After a break at Dunsmuir (or Mt Shasta/Castella), you find yourself heading straight up a mountain in Castle Crags wilderness. This is the start of one of the most spectacular stretches on the entire trail – all the way to Seiad Valley! The stretch of the PCT provides numerous lake swimming opportunities, amazing geological formations, and the BEST springs on the entire trail. Water filter? Don’t even bother with that cold, pure water streaming out of the hills! There’s a tonne of great berry picking – thimble berries and blueberries galore!

Castle Crags Wilderness at Sunrise
best section of the PCT?
Trinity Alps Wilderness Sunset
Deadfall Lake – a great swim spot!

Least Favourite Section

Hat Creek Rim

This was the exposed section of the trail after Old Station above Hat Creek. This was one of the hottest sections of the trail and there is no protection from the sun. We ended up night ‘hiking’ this section from around 5pm to 11pm. I loosely state ‘hiking’ as it was more night ‘stumbling’ as we tripped on volcanic rock lumps all over the trail for hours on end – our toes hurt! We did get to witness a nice sunset, though.

Hat Creek Rim – last light before night hiking the exposed section

Favourite Town

Burney Lodge

This was a small establishment not far from Burney Falls, and only just off the trail. Two ladies run the place – providing tent site space, cabins, amazing cooked meals, resupply, laundry and showers. Most of the place runs off an honesty system where you fill out a sheet on all facilities used, what you picked out in the ‘store’ to resupply, or what meals you ate, etc.

This just goes to show how respected hikers are. This place saved a trip into the actual town of Burney, and I had a good time there playing pool with other hikers and chilling out with air conditioning in the heat.

Burney Lodge indoors section

Least Favourite Town


The place gave off weird vibes. ‘Where even am I?’ — This was the question I kept thinking about when here. Is it a town? Is it a resort? It’s basically a few buildings that serve a very small locality of… peculiar people. From a guy asking us to “come to visit his special place” to a guy trying to give me weed whilst I was in mid-conversation with a fellow hiker.

The burger was great, the beer was great… sleeping near the carpark wasn’t exactly a highlight… but… when in Belden! I had sent a resupply box to the trail angels who live out of the way. I didn’t end up staying there (for which I’m glad), and she kindly delivered my box to me whilst picking up something from the shop.

Belden – a steep climb in and out!

Main Hiking Partners

(no long-term hiking partners in this section – besides the brief reunion with Rex)

BeeBop – mile 1220 to 1407 (after Sierra City to Burney Lodge)

Stats – mile 1354 to 1407 (Drakesbad to Burney Lodge)

Rex – mile 1566 to 1653 (Castle Crags to Seiad Valley)

Bubbles – mile 1580 to 1653 (Trinity Alps to Seiad Valley)

Bee Bop and Stats looking back towards Mt Lassen (far left) in the distance
Cascades above Burney Falls – spectacular place!

Was Nor Cal the Best Section of the PCT?

Whilst underrated, it was nowhere near the best section. It offers lots of great hiking, but none of the best. Nor any of the most memorable trail towns or sightseeing.

~ Read more about the next section review of Oregon here ~

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