Deadfall Lakes and Finding the Long Lost Dinosaur – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [35]

  1. The Pacific Crest Trail Blog of ‘Tatters’ 2017
  2. Scout and Frodo ‘A Homely Beginning’ – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [01]
  3. Am I Really in a Desert? – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [02]
  4. Scissors Crossing and Julian ‘A First Time for Many Things’ – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [03]
  5. Early Mornings and Desert Superblooms – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [04]
  6. Paradise Café & Idyllwild ‘The Motivation for Food and Alcohol Grows!’ – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [05]
  7. San Jacinto & Fuller Ridge ‘Alpha Mountaineering Crew’ – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [06]
  8. Trail-names, Burgers & Sleeping in Cyclones – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [07]
  9. ‘Hippy Hot Springs’ & Big Miles to McDonald’s – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [08]
  10. Motivation into Wrightwood & Mount Baden Powell – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [09]
  11. Trail Closures & Reuniting at Hiker Heaven – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [10]
  12. Trail Family United & Casa de Luna – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [11]
  13. A Truly Hot and Dry Desert Surrounding Hikertown – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [12]
  14. Tehachapi Zero and Nero Day Morale Boosting! — PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [13]
  15. Nearing the End of the Desert? – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [14]
  16. Lake Isabella & Last Stops Before the Snow and Mountains! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [15]
  17. Kennedy Meadows ‘Into the Mountains We Go!’ — PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [16]
  18. Off to Lone Pine – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [17]
  19. Badass Mountaineers on Mount Whitney – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [18]
  20. Forester Pass & the Township of Bishop – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [19]
  21. Glen Pass & the End of the Family: PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [20]
  22. Mountaineering on Pinchot Pass & Mather Pass – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [21]
  23. Muir Pass, Evolution Creek, & Flooded Creek Crossings – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [22]
  24. Walls of Snow at Mammoth & Donohue Pass — PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [23]
  25. Solo Hiking to Yosemite Valley – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [24]
  26. The Waterfalls of Yosemite & Sonora Pass – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [25]
  27. Truly Alone in the Wild (near Ebbetts Peak) – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [26]
  28. South Lake Tahoe, Dicks Pass & Frozen Lakes – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [27]
  29. Desolation Wilderness & Truckin’ to Truckee – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [28]
  30. A Week Off-trail for 4th July with Rex! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [29]
  31. Back on Trail, Sierra City & Out of the High Sierra – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [30]
  32. New Faces, Middle Feather Fork River and Belden – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [31]
  33. The PCT Halfway Point and Lassen Volcanic Wilderness – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [32]
  34. Chilling with Bears, Old Station & Burney Lodge – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [33]
  35. Burney Falls to Dunsmuir – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [34]
  36. Deadfall Lakes and Finding the Long Lost Dinosaur – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [35]
  37. Rockin’ Through the Trinity Alps Wilderness – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [36]
  38. Sky High Lakes & Grider Creek – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [37]
  39. Bye Bye California, Hello Oregon! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [38]
  40. Rollin’ Along the Meadows to Lake Hyatt – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [39]
  41. ‘A Hike of Ice and Fire’ – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [40]
  42. Frustrating Closures & Shelter Cove – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [41]
  43. ‘Bending’ Past PCT Fire Closures & Homely Trail Angels – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [42]
  44. Mt Hood, Timberline Lodge & the PCT Days Event- PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [43]
  45. Preparations for the Final Month in Washington – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [44]
  46. Mt Adams & Ascending into Eternity – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [45]
  47. Amazing Goat Rocks Wilderness & Resting in Packwood – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [46]
  48. White Pass & More Fire Closures! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [47]
  49. The Beautiful Deception Lake & Loving the New Trail Family! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [48]
  50. The German Town of Leavenworth & Hiking in Beauty – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [49]
  51. Mica Lake, Suiattle River & the Final Push into Stehekin – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [50]
  52. All Good Things Come to an End… The PCT Northern Terminus! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [51]

Deadfall Lakes and Finding the Long Lost Dinosaur – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [35]

Previous Post:

Part 34 ‘Burney Falls to Dunsmuir’ 

Day 107 (24/07) – Castle Crags Wilderness

Sleeping in was amazing! The hotel bed was so hard to get out of, but I needed some food and decided to walk to the nearby small supermarket for some breakfast. I bought a banana, yoghurt, and two microwaveable cheesy pastries – should do the trick!

I caught up on some blogging, fixed my order of new shoes to be posted to the next town, cleaned up and then left. Then, I set off to a burger place to have lunch before leaving, and then attempt to catch a hitch back to the trail. I didn’t have to wait too long before a local picked me up who had driven PCT hikers before.

The local metal festival – almost timed it well to go!

I got back on the trail at 1pm, and it was hot! It was a huge uphill section, similar to the one at Belden, not two weeks before.

At around 4pm I met up with a girl called Ricky Bobby whom I briefly met at Burney Lodge several days before. We hiked together for the rest of the evening, with numerous conversational topics.

Castle Crags Wilderness here I come
Castle Crags – a cool formation
Sunburst on the hill

We aimed for a campsite about 18 miles in, which was meant to have a spectacular view of Castle Crags and Mt Shasta at the same time. However, it grew dark, and we settled for a site 2 miles before it and set up there. I quickly got some ramen cooking in the last light before setting up my tent inner and falling straight to sleep around 10pm.

Not far to go to camp – hopefully we get a few minutes of light!

Distance hiked: 16 miles

Total PCT hiked: 1514 miles

Day 108 (25/07) – Deadfall Lakes

Ricky Bobby and I got up and hiked at 5:30am, attempting to catch the sunrise with the golden viewpoint in 2 miles. Castle Crags and Mt Shasta looked amazing, with the sunrise peeping over the horizon behind them.

Ricky Bobby and the Sunrise
Oh man, it’s beautiful

I hiked by myself after, as Ricky Bobby needed a toilet break. There was no water for 10 miles (without doing side trips), and luckily I still had 1 litre from the previous day. I was able to push through in good time. After a while, another Australian called Crash caught up with me, a very experienced fast hiker. I kept up with him for several miles, but the guy never takes a break, and we split eventually.

Lakes for days
Alien pods

I came across Deadfall Lakes, near Mt Eddy and decided to have an afternoon swim, despite the weather becoming, somehow, gloomier. It was super refreshing and a nice temperature. I had a lay down and somewhat of a sleepless nap before taking off again. Rex had camped here the night before, so I was only a day away from catching up with her. I wanted to make at least another five miles.

Lower Deadfall Lake
Upper Deadfall Lake – it was a great swim spot!

I hiked for about 4 miles before it started to rain on me… sigh the thick fat rain bordering on becoming hail – I needed a tent site soon! There was nowhere to camp as I pressed on, with the rain getting heavier. The next marked tent site was still 2 miles away.

I ended up finding a slightly sloped but good enough spot behind a large tree and set up as fast as I could. Inevitably, my tent got a little wet inside, which I mopped up with my towel and set up inside. Of course, the rain ended shortly after, but it picked up again half an hour later. I was so lucky really, this was only the second day of rain I had experienced on trail. We escaped the heavy rain at Tehachapi by predicting it and staying in the motel, and the only other time it was snowfall, not rain. In any event, I was glad to be inside, relaxing and eating dinner.

At around 8:30pm, coyotes were barking not too far away. They sound like yelping, high-pitched girls!

Distance hiked: 25.5 miles

Total PCT hiked: 1540 miles

Day 109 (26/07) – Reuiting with Rex

A 5:30am leave, and away I went! It didn’t take long before I met up with other hikers, including Dansani and Megaman – who I hadn’t seen since earlier around Sierra City. We hiked and chatted all day, conversations changing topics throughout.

Cool spring mini waterfall
A carnivorous pitcher plant of sorts
These awesome lakes are everywhere!

Eventually, around 5pm, I caught up to Rex! She was camped at a cool spot perched on a cliff edge with a great view of the valley. I said bye to the other guys as they moved on and immediately hugged Rex – it was great to see her on trail finally! This must have been the third or fourth time apart!

We caught up and talked before cooking dinner and enjoying the magical sunset. Note: Although still amazing friends, Rex and I were no longer a trail couple due to specific reasons and spending a lot of time apart.

Me in the sunset
Just mind-blowing!

Distance hiked: 16.5 miles

Total PCT hiked: 1566.5 miles

Next Post:

Part 36 ‘Rockin’ Through the Trinity Rocks’ 

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