A Week Off-trail for 4th July with Rex! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [29]

  1. The Pacific Crest Trail Blog of ‘Tatters’ 2017
  2. Scout and Frodo ‘A Homely Beginning’ – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [01]
  3. Am I Really in a Desert? – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [02]
  4. Scissors Crossing and Julian ‘A First Time for Many Things’ – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [03]
  5. Early Mornings and Desert Superblooms – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [04]
  6. Paradise Café & Idyllwild ‘The Motivation for Food and Alcohol Grows!’ – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [05]
  7. San Jacinto & Fuller Ridge ‘Alpha Mountaineering Crew’ – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [06]
  8. Trail-names, Burgers & Sleeping in Cyclones – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [07]
  9. ‘Hippy Hot Springs’ & Big Miles to McDonald’s – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [08]
  10. Motivation into Wrightwood & Mount Baden Powell – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [09]
  11. Trail Closures & Reuniting at Hiker Heaven – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [10]
  12. Trail Family United & Casa de Luna – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [11]
  13. A Truly Hot and Dry Desert Surrounding Hikertown – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [12]
  14. Tehachapi Zero and Nero Day Morale Boosting! — PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [13]
  15. Nearing the End of the Desert? – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [14]
  16. Lake Isabella & Last Stops Before the Snow and Mountains! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [15]
  17. Kennedy Meadows ‘Into the Mountains We Go!’ — PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [16]
  18. Off to Lone Pine – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [17]
  19. Badass Mountaineers on Mount Whitney – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [18]
  20. Forester Pass & the Township of Bishop – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [19]
  21. Glen Pass & the End of the Family: PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [20]
  22. Mountaineering on Pinchot Pass & Mather Pass – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [21]
  23. Muir Pass, Evolution Creek, & Flooded Creek Crossings – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [22]
  24. Walls of Snow at Mammoth & Donohue Pass — PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [23]
  25. Solo Hiking to Yosemite Valley – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [24]
  26. The Waterfalls of Yosemite & Sonora Pass – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [25]
  27. Truly Alone in the Wild (near Ebbetts Peak) – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [26]
  28. South Lake Tahoe, Dicks Pass & Frozen Lakes – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [27]
  29. Desolation Wilderness & Truckin’ to Truckee – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [28]
  30. A Week Off-trail for 4th July with Rex! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [29]
  31. Back on Trail, Sierra City & Out of the High Sierra – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [30]
  32. New Faces, Middle Feather Fork River and Belden – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [31]
  33. The PCT Halfway Point and Lassen Volcanic Wilderness – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [32]
  34. Chilling with Bears, Old Station & Burney Lodge – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [33]
  35. Burney Falls to Dunsmuir – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [34]
  36. Deadfall Lakes and Finding the Long Lost Dinosaur – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [35]
  37. Rockin’ Through the Trinity Alps Wilderness – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [36]
  38. Sky High Lakes & Grider Creek – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [37]
  39. Bye Bye California, Hello Oregon! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [38]
  40. Rollin’ Along the Meadows to Lake Hyatt – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [39]
  41. ‘A Hike of Ice and Fire’ – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [40]
  42. Frustrating Closures & Shelter Cove – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [41]
  43. ‘Bending’ Past PCT Fire Closures & Homely Trail Angels – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [42]
  44. Mt Hood, Timberline Lodge & the PCT Days Event- PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [43]
  45. Preparations for the Final Month in Washington – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [44]
  46. Mt Adams & Ascending into Eternity – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [45]
  47. Amazing Goat Rocks Wilderness & Resting in Packwood – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [46]
  48. White Pass & More Fire Closures! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [47]
  49. The Beautiful Deception Lake & Loving the New Trail Family! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [48]
  50. The German Town of Leavenworth & Hiking in Beauty – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [49]
  51. Mica Lake, Suiattle River & the Final Push into Stehekin – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [50]
  52. All Good Things Come to an End… The PCT Northern Terminus! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [51]

A Week Off-trail for 4th July with Rex! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [29]

Previous Post:

Part 28 ‘Desolation Wilderness & Truckin’ to Truckee’

It was time to visit Rex and her family and have a break off trail. The plan was to get from Truckee to Reno via train, and then fly Reno to Portland via plane. Rex’s parents lived not far out of Portland over the border in Vancouver, Washington State (not the Canadian one).

The Weird Town of Reno

After temporarily relieving myself from the PCT at mile 1153, and spending a night in Truckee, I made my way to Reno via train. I booked last minute into a hostel without research.  It turned out to be a weird Burner hostel – it was a unique experience for sure! I was told I needed to remember the 10 burner commandments and become a member – it was all very… odd, haha! The rooms were pretty damn cool though!

Mystical Princess room
Pink Unicorn room
Alice in Wonderland room
This was a joke bathroom – it is only as big as you can see

After taking the flight to Portland, Oregon, I was reunited with Rex! I missed her so much! She hadn’t been on trail since leaving Glen Pass a month before, and was ready to return after the 4th July celebrations at her parent’s place.

Rex’s Parents’ Home

Her parent’s house was amazing, and it looked like a resort to me! I was reacquainted with Tim (Rex’s dad), whom I had already met on trail in both Wrightwood, and Hiker Heaven when he had hiked with Rex. Then I got to meet her mum, Deb, and grandparents.

Front of the house
Kitchen and Dining room
Fireplace area
Cool little garden and water feature

Over the course of a week, I had a massive American cultural experience with a great bunch of people who generously took me in for all this time and were extremely friendly.

We went out in Portland to several bars (including a cool cider bar where I got a tasting rack), met a few of Rex’s friends who came over to visit, and we cooked S’mores on the outdoor fire. They showed me Powell’s bookshop – one of the more famous ones in the USA which was cool. We also visited Deschutes Brewery and had lunch.

Deschutes Brewery with some of Rex’s extended family

I finally got to sell my bear canister to another PCT hiker, who was about to start the Sierras in Kennedy Meadows. Good riddance to that heavy hunk of junk! We then went to Costco, where I helped Rex buy bulk food and items for the party. This was one of the most memorable shopping experiences I’ve had! The place was just ridiculous! Rex posted a photo of me on Instagram pretending the $850 shop was my resupply for the PCT haha.

Costco party food for the win!

Rex’s brother (plus his wife), and cousins also came. We all ended up deciding on floating down a river (the name escapes me) in cheap inner tubes bought from the toy section of a department store. We had packed some beers in a cooler, which ended up taking a ride in a shark floaty attached to a tube. We hopped in our pink donuts and set off downstream. It was exceptionally fun!… until things got a little intense! The stream became shallow, and our arses were starting to hit rocks in the boney sections! It was a fairly quick flow in the rapids too, so you really needed to get your butt up in time at points. Definitely thrilling! Sadly, we didn’t get any photos whilst on the river!

Rawr! Tubes ready to go – into the river!
That’s one cheery donut!

One afternoon, we all got in the inflatable pool we had bought, but the water we used from the well was freezing, so we needed the tubes for that too!

Water too cold – no problem, just get your arse wet!

We also played games such as Kubb, Cornhole and Frizbee – all are great because you can hold a beer whilst playing. Whilst having more S’mores around the fire, we decided at around 10pm that we’d go watch Wonder Woman at the cinema. I wasn’t expecting much, but damn! The gir…. I mean, the movie was great! 

On the 3rd, the big party was underway, with about 40 people – friends, family, neighbours… and a random PCT hiker. I was surprised to see that most people already knew who I was via Rex’s blog, and I ended up talking to almost everyone! The food was endless, and every day I felt in heaven, especially when I still had some hiker hunger remaining. In the evening, we watched the fireworks in Portland in the evening and were very impressed!

4th July Parade

On the big day, the 4th, we celebrated the day by attending a parade in a nearby town where all sorts of cars and floats were jazzed up and on show. I got to ride in Tim’s 1920’s Model T Ford that had been restored. The multiple old horns were a nice touch! Along with the Model T were several Model A’s belonging to various relatives, a 1950’s model (which I also got to ride in) and finally a Sidecar bike (like the ones from WW2).

The five old fords! Ready for the parade (aside from decorations)
Tim and myself in the model T! Drove like magic!
Hanging out with ol’ T
Rex delivering some groceries

I wandered around the other participants, ranging from a Tiny BMW with a front opening door, to Mustangs, Pontiacs, trucks, tractors, and classic models. Upon looking at a rig, I noticed it looked familiar – Optimus Prime from Transformers! In the end, our group won the Mayor’s Choice trophy! Four of us handed out lollies to kids as the cars drove down the street. I must say, I had a blast! USA, USA!

Tucker and I REALLY wanted to drive this little guy! What a ridiculous car!
Fuck yeah! Vroooom!
Optimus Prime! What a beast!
This tractor guy made my day… the overalls man…
Heading down the parade
The important workers who make sure all kids get a lolly!

After everyone left, Rex and I got to sort out our resupply for getting back to the trail. It was great to have the experience and break away from trail, but I was keen to return.

We even planned ahead for once and sent two boxes to the smaller locations – Sierra City and Belden. This enables us to skip a few town days to get through more miles. Whilst sorting our bags, Tim had called us when he needed stirrers for their annual raspberry jam production. He made at least 70 small Tupperware containers full which went to friends and family and of course for themselves to use throughout the year.

Flying Back to Trail

On the 6th, we headed off to Portland airport and I said my goodbyes to Deb and Tim (Rex’s parents) and thanked them immensely for having me. We checked in our bags and set off to Reno, the closest airport to where I left the trail last near Truckee.

Back to trail time! (Sadly, I lost that awesome jacket shortly after)

Upon arriving in Reno, my bag had arrived, but not Rex’s. What the hell!

After consulting the baggage lady who was very kind, she discovered that my bag had been checked in with Rex’s tag, and her bag must have had a random passenger’s tag, as my name never came up. It was confusing, but when we looked back, the check-in assistants did seem to be new and not entirely very knowledgeable. They majorly screwed up there!

United – the airline, booked us a room and gave us $30 each of food vouchers and some money for Rex to get new clothes. This didn’t come easy though, and Rex worked for it, not having any options whilst waiting in Reno for news of the bag. We waited two days, and eventually, there was no point in me hanging around, so we both agreed I should get back to the trail, and she decided she was going to LA with friends whilst waiting.

(note: she got her bag 7 days later on the 13th and would hopefully rejoin me around the 20th)

Next Post:

Part 30 ‘Back on Trail, Sierra City & Out of the High Sierra’ 

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