Nearing the End of the Desert? – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [14]

  1. The Pacific Crest Trail Blog of ‘Tatters’ 2017
  2. Scout and Frodo ‘A Homely Beginning’ – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [01]
  3. Am I Really in a Desert? – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [02]
  4. Scissors Crossing and Julian ‘A First Time for Many Things’ – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [03]
  5. Early Mornings and Desert Superblooms – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [04]
  6. Paradise Café & Idyllwild ‘The Motivation for Food and Alcohol Grows!’ – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [05]
  7. San Jacinto & Fuller Ridge ‘Alpha Mountaineering Crew’ – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [06]
  8. Trail-names, Burgers & Sleeping in Cyclones – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [07]
  9. ‘Hippy Hot Springs’ & Big Miles to McDonald’s – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [08]
  10. Motivation into Wrightwood & Mount Baden Powell – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [09]
  11. Trail Closures & Reuniting at Hiker Heaven – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [10]
  12. Trail Family United & Casa de Luna – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [11]
  13. A Truly Hot and Dry Desert Surrounding Hikertown – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [12]
  14. Tehachapi Zero and Nero Day Morale Boosting! — PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [13]
  15. Nearing the End of the Desert? – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [14]
  16. Lake Isabella & Last Stops Before the Snow and Mountains! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [15]
  17. Kennedy Meadows ‘Into the Mountains We Go!’ — PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [16]
  18. Off to Lone Pine – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [17]
  19. Badass Mountaineers on Mount Whitney – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [18]
  20. Forester Pass & the Township of Bishop – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [19]
  21. Glen Pass & the End of the Family: PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [20]
  22. Mountaineering on Pinchot Pass & Mather Pass – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [21]
  23. Muir Pass, Evolution Creek, & Flooded Creek Crossings – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [22]
  24. Walls of Snow at Mammoth & Donohue Pass — PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [23]
  25. Solo Hiking to Yosemite Valley – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [24]
  26. The Waterfalls of Yosemite & Sonora Pass – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [25]
  27. Truly Alone in the Wild (near Ebbetts Peak) – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [26]
  28. South Lake Tahoe, Dicks Pass & Frozen Lakes – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [27]
  29. Desolation Wilderness & Truckin’ to Truckee – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [28]
  30. A Week Off-trail for 4th July with Rex! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [29]
  31. Back on Trail, Sierra City & Out of the High Sierra – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [30]
  32. New Faces, Middle Feather Fork River and Belden – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [31]
  33. The PCT Halfway Point and Lassen Volcanic Wilderness – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [32]
  34. Chilling with Bears, Old Station & Burney Lodge – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [33]
  35. Burney Falls to Dunsmuir – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [34]
  36. Deadfall Lakes and Finding the Long Lost Dinosaur – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [35]
  37. Rockin’ Through the Trinity Alps Wilderness – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [36]
  38. Sky High Lakes & Grider Creek – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [37]
  39. Bye Bye California, Hello Oregon! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [38]
  40. Rollin’ Along the Meadows to Lake Hyatt – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [39]
  41. ‘A Hike of Ice and Fire’ – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [40]
  42. Frustrating Closures & Shelter Cove – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [41]
  43. ‘Bending’ Past PCT Fire Closures & Homely Trail Angels – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [42]
  44. Mt Hood, Timberline Lodge & the PCT Days Event- PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [43]
  45. Preparations for the Final Month in Washington – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [44]
  46. Mt Adams & Ascending into Eternity – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [45]
  47. Amazing Goat Rocks Wilderness & Resting in Packwood – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [46]
  48. White Pass & More Fire Closures! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [47]
  49. The Beautiful Deception Lake & Loving the New Trail Family! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [48]
  50. The German Town of Leavenworth & Hiking in Beauty – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [49]
  51. Mica Lake, Suiattle River & the Final Push into Stehekin – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [50]
  52. All Good Things Come to an End… The PCT Northern Terminus! – PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [51]

Nearing the End of the Desert? — PCT 2017: A Hiking Story [14]

Previous Post:

Part 13 ‘Tehachapi Zero and Nero Day Morale Boosting’ 

Day 40 (07/05) – Joshua Trees

Hunger awoke me, and… apparently everyone else, as we set off for breakfast in the Tehachapi Hotel. Not bad considering we weren’t even guests really. We had a final shower and took off to hitch a ride. No luck was to be had for the first half hour, but eventually, a couple let us ride in the back of their pick-up truck.

The trail was mostly uphill today and hard yards. Rex, Swim, Corky and I pushed through miles. The terrain might have been not so forgiving, but the weather was great – mostly overcast with a cool breeze.

Rex heading up the steep hill – it was much colder than it looks

Seeing Joshua Trees first-hand was a really cool sight. My memory of these trees mostly comes from entertainment, in particular, Dr Seuss’s children’s books.

Tatters I am, I am (Dr Seuss Joshua tree reference)

As we hiked in through the day, it became noticeably greener and was a welcome change. We knew the desert was nearing the end, but we weren’t there yet.

A welcome sight – trees… lots of them

We eventually synced up with some familiar faces – Akuna, Hunter, Rubberball, and two new faces Mellow and Canary. We found out we were all going to the same campsite, being the closest water source after all. It was funny when Canary arrived at camp late and said, “did you see those cute little itty bitty Joshua trees awhile back?”. To which I replied “You mean the poodle dog bush… you didn’t touch it right???”, followed by her reply…“oh really?…no!”. Haha! They do look a little similar, but poodle dog bush is poisonous!

We arrived, set up our tents and joined the others for dinner. It was amusing to see the laziness of some meals being made, mostly involving mashed potato, but totally understandable!

Distance hiked: 18 miles (28.97 km)

Total PCT hiked: 583 miles (938.25 km)

Day 41 (08/05) First Bear Sighting and Mile 600

My alarm went off at 6am, began the routine breakfast process of brewing coffee along with oats, and almost immediately after, I put my head down on my clothes bag pillow and accidentally fell back asleep! 45 minutes later, I awoke thinking I didn’t even sleep, but had found a cold coffee waiting for me – damn!

Shortly after finally setting off, Rex and I were joined by Akuna, Rubberball, Hunter and Mellow. Canary was further behind, whilst Jake and Corky had left early.

Hiker train (Left to right: Akhuna (afar), Grim, Rubberball, Mellow, Rex)

The day was mostly uphill, but again the weather was not overly hot. In fact, it was quite overcast for the most part. We passed through several more wind farms, with turbines all the way back to the horizon, looking back the way we came.

Whilst on a short drink break, there was a remarkable moment as Rex spotted a Black Bear on the other side of the valley. It was plodding along in the open briefly before disappearing behind a bushy area. It was the first wild bear I have ever seen – super cool, even if a brief experience! Akuna also spotted a giant Jackrabbit – about two feet long when it stood up.

On the hike, Rex and I decided we needed the Sierra Mountains soon, as we admitted that the desert was growing tedious in parts. Whilst the scenery is still mostly beautiful, the terrain is very monotonous and not challenging. We both liked challenges, along with Corky and Echo too.

I realised I missed Echo from our trail family. He was a day ahead, and after hiking with him for at least five weeks straight, it was saddening to suddenly not be alongside him. It was the same feeling when Rex was ahead of us too, back in Wrightwood. It would be sad to see any of the four of us break away from each other.

After climbing and climbing, we hit pine forests and some nice lush grassy regions. At one point, a baby deer fowl was grazing in this grass. It reminded me of Bambi.

A wild deer appeared
Rex in the lush grass

Most of the others had pushed ahead, but Rex, myself and Canary (far behind) were tired and slow. It’s probably because we hadn’t hiked huge amounts in the past week. The 600-mile marker was hit, a morale booster towards the end of the day. We eventually arrived about half an hour after the others, and had dinner with everyone, followed by an early sleep.

600 miles down, almost a quarter of the way!

Distance hiked: 19 miles (30.58 km)

Total PCT hiked: 602 miles (968.83 km)

Day 42 (09/05) The Mojave Desert

From slumber, I arose. The morning mists enveloped my tent, creating a cool but serene atmosphere. Upon opening, the mountain views burst into sight, an amazing spectacle of nature…

...but really…

I got up, made some coffee and oats, packed my gear and tent, filtered water, waited around for Rex and eventually, after some two hours later of stuffing around, set off hiking. By this point of the trail, I was so into my routine, I felt like a pro at it.

Corky was not feeling well, and complained of having an upset stomach and needed rest. So Rex and I set off on the adventure alone. The pine forests were stunning to walk through – filled with many boulders and lush areas of grass. Eventually, Akuna, Rubberball, Hunter and Mellow caught up and we hiked together.

Beautiful forest

The terrain soon changed to the desert… the real Mojave Desert! Sand, shrubs and Joshua trees. We decided to take a detour to reach a spring off the trail. It was basically a dry riverbed through a canyon and involved jumping down several boulders. It was definitely the most fun part of the day!

The real desert deal
Our boundaries detour to the water

We arrived at the spring and met up with the others. All of us cowboy camped and ate dinner together before calling the night. The full moon was out and the sunset colours highlighting the mountains were a sight to fall asleep to.

Cowboy camping at the source
Ramen bomb dinners (left to right: Grim, Rubberball, Mellow)

Distance hiked: 19 miles (30.58 km)

Total PCT hiked: 620 miles (997.79 km)

Day 43 (10/05) – McIvers Spring and Cabin

I awoke before my alarm, and watched the stars above me for a brief time before it went off, and woke Rex. Her new thing was to actually make herself a coffee in the morning and breakfast, as she normally just gets up and packs – struggling to find the motivation to leave the bed. Coffee does wonders though.

Corky somehow ended up meeting back with us after getting water at the spring, despite camping a few miles back. The three of us then set off to rejoin the PCT. We had a big day ahead – around 25 miles planned to reach McIvers Spring and Cabin, which left a short day of 8 miles into the town of Lake Isabella.

Rex and I got ahead of Corky as per routine and pushed up into the desert mountains. The trail was sandy and made for hard going hiking. It was much hotter than in previous days, but a cool breeze definitely reduced the blazing impact from the sun.

Desert meeting the sky
A cool intrusion in the rock

Water was an issue again today, as we needed to rely on a water cache about 14 miles into the day. When we arrived at the cache, we saw the familiar face of Mechanic (or Pancake as we now call him). We relaxed under the Joshua tree there, and eventually, the rest of the guys caught up, including Corky.

Tatters himself in glory mode

Rex and I set off shortly after, giving the others our shade and setting off up the long tedious climb up the huge mountain in front of us. It was one of the hardest stretches so far. Eventually, we hit a dry forest pocket with welcoming shade – such a valuable resource!

Although growing tired of the desert, it’s still beautiful

At the end of the day, we came to McIvers Spring and Cabin, and camped there for the evening. The fold-out chairs were comfortable and made cooking my Alfredo pasta a treat. My legs were sore, and it was good to finally relax.

Distance hiked: 25.5 miles (41.04 km)

Total PCT hiked: 644 miles (1,036.42 km)

Next Post:

Part 15 ‘Lake Isabella & Last Stops Before the Snow and Mountains!’ 

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Really enjoying your blog! Your photos are fantastic: were you using a wide angle lens?